Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2023

Genital Tattoos

Genital Tattoos

Women who get permanent tattoos on their body receive more negative reactions from their family, employers and friends than men do, according to a study by Ariel University researchers.

The study of 1, 000 adults deals with the phenomenon of body decoration including tattoos, piercing and subcutaneous implants, which has not been sufficiently studied in scientific literature.


The Torah prohibits tattoos and certain other permanent changes in the body’s appearance, because it was an ancient pagan practice. The prohibition of tattooing is in the book of Leviticus: “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord.”

Intimate Ink! Including A Tattooed A Hole!

The purpose of the study was to examine the phenomenon in Israel: patterns, motives, knowledge, attitudes and social perceptions of people who underwent body decoration compared to those who did not and gender comparison. It was conducted using a quantitative and structured self-report questionnaire, with the participants evenly divided between the genders, with the average age 35. Tattoo parlor owners were also queried.

The vast majority knew that tattooing and piercing posed health risks such as infections, transmissions of HIV, Hepatitis C and hemorrhaging, but fewer than half of those who had tattoos said that they had been informed beforehand about the risks. Women said they suffered more complications from tattooing than the men did. Women also said that their parents, siblings, close friends, boss, colleagues and children were more negative about their having gotten tattooed than the reactions when men did it. Men also reported that it was more common for them to have tattoos on their feet or face, genital piercing or subcutaneous facial implants.

People who are tattooed are exposed, especially at work, to perceptions that they are less professional and are asked to comply with a dress code that prohibits exposure to other body modifications that may offend other people. In some cultures, people with tattoos are more likely to be identified as delinquents and criminals.

Image Of Genital Tattoos Of A Woman Of The Pacific Island Of By German School, (20th Century)

Tattooing, said the researchers – Dr. Rachel Nissenholtz-Ganot and Dr. Liat Koren of the department of health systems management, and Dr. Hagit Bonny-Noach of the criminology department – was accepted as far back as the 12th century for identification or showing that one belonged to a tribe or class. In more modern times, it became an act of rebellion and protest, and some even became addicted to the pain involved in carrying out the procedure.

The main reasons the Israelis polled gave for getting tattoos were because they were “fashionable” (45%) and distinguished themselves from others (40%). Women reported more frequently about the motive of looking different to others (43% vs 37% for men). Foreign studies show that there has been an increase in body decoration in recent years, especially among the young. In the US, a quarter of the population has tattoos, compared to 8.5% in Germany and 10% in France.


The researchers recommended that the Health Ministry find ways to educate youngsters and young adults on the medical and legal problems related to this issue, especially in boys. They also suggested that the ministry formulate stricter regulations and legislation on body decoration similar to what is happening in other countries around the world and closer supervision of tattoo parlors.Sexy tattoos under the belt are not to be overrated. More than 45 million Americans have gone under the needle for a sexy skin display. They are one of the hottest trends for 2017 for both men and women. Our tattoo stylists can create scintillating scenes, simple avatars, or pretty little profiles for your sexy tattoo cravings.

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Do cute kitties, flirty butterflies, tight little bows send your artistic heart aflutter? There are many ways to flaunt your style with tattoos below the belt, along the thigh, or trailing in and around your backside.

If you are curious or still contemplating a casual creation to commemorate that special moment, we’ve got you covered. We can custom-design a cherished keepsake and detailed tattoo for your perusal and make sure you have all you need to be comfortable in your own skin. A tattoo with motivating phrases, words, or symbols has held powerful meanings and helped to encourage people to move forward in life or find peace from a particularly hard time in their lives. We are here to give you the tattoo that is solely yours in meaning and depiction.


Sensually placed below the waistline, tattoos under the belt beg to be uncovered, or discovered because they can be so fun to create.

Tattoo Addict Inks Every Inch Of His Body Including His Todger

Climbing roses, shifting symbols, fire licking up or down the abdomen, these are just a few of the fine pieces created for tattoos below the belt by Tattoos Miami artists.

A fabulous fact about a tattoo below the belt is that only a select few will ever get the chance to glimpse your secret, special, sexy design. Your wants and desires for that perfect skin display, either sexy or simple, is our priority.


Tattoos discreetly placed below the belt can travel up, or down, or all around the curves of the body, leaving a trail of art unique to its wearer for their personal pleasure.

Create Meme

Whether you are getting inked to honor a person, place, or thing, pack in memory, put time on hold or simply put a sexy imprint on your inner thigh, we cater to a diverse crowd of happy clients. We have numerous designs for most any flair, fancy, or fine-tuned palate to peruse.

Eternalize a moment, stamp a specific celebration neatly on your skin or simply make a memory with an hour or two spent with the professional artists at Tattoos Miami.


Placing a special, soft, or sensuous design below the belt can be a charming way to express yourself with your chosen design, either to yourself or just a select few.

Stricter Rules For Tattoos And Piercings In Wales

We’re , and one of the best, critically-acclaimed, cool, and care-conscious tattoo, piercing, and body art studios in Miami. We welcome you to visit one of our locations to get your bodywork done by the best in the industry.  Follow us on Instagram and on Facebook to see our latest work and to get notified of our $1, 000 tattoo giveaway.

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